Source: Library of Congress
All WWI Profiles and Snapshots for Brunswick County, NC, WWI veterans can be found using links on the veteran name on the WWI Brunswick County Veteran webpage. Additional information such as birth/death dates and Findagrave listings are located on that list also.
Click on the Brunswick County veteran name on the rosters below to view the NC World War I Service Card.
FamilySearch ( is a free site, but requires registration to view records.
Click on Wounded/KIA/etc to view the WWI Veteran Profile.
Source for Division Organization: Brief Histories of Divisions, US Army, 1917-1918
You can read more about the NC WWI Service Records on this NC State Archives blog entry.
Another State Archives blog entry is available that helps interpret the service cards. Definitions of abbreviations can be found here.
Nearly all of the profiles and snapshots published on the blog through 2020 are included in our book published in 2020, Brunswick County in the Great War: Preserving the 1918 Fort Caswell Rifle Range and the Legacies of the Men and Women Who Served.
To order your own book, call or contact The Friends now as shown below (click to enlarge), or use the Purchase a Book link.
1st Division
“Big Red One”
America’s first division, or the “Big Red One,” was organized in May/June 1917, the first after the US declared war on April 6. The First Division was the first American Army division to arrive in France (June 26, 1917), the first to enter battle (October 23, 1917), the first to report American casualties (October 25, 1917), and the first to lead an American victory (May 28, 1918). General Pershing chose the 1st Division for the vital position, or post of honor, in most of his engagements, resulting in a large casualty count of almost 24,000, 5 Medals of Honor, and 300 Distinguished Service Crosses.
The Society of the First Division (1922) History of the First Division During the World War, 1917-1919. Philadelphia, The John C. Winston Company.
- 1st Infantry Brigade
- 16th Infantry
- 18th Infantry
- 2nd Machine Gun Battalion
- 2nd Infantry Brigade
- 26th Infantry
- 28th Infantry
- 3rd Machine Gun Battalion
- 1st Field Artillery Brigade
- 6th (light) Field Artillery
- 7th (light) Field Artillery
- 5th (heavy) Field Artillery
- 1st Trench Mortar Battery
- 1st Engineers
- 1st Machine Gun Battalion
- 2nd Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
2nd Division
Organized October 1917 in France from troops of the Regular Army and the Marine Corps. The division was commanded by US Marine Corps generals twice during WWI, the only time in US military history when Marine Corps officers commanded an Army division. The 2nd Division lost more men, gained more ground, captured more guns and prisoners, and won more medals than any other American Division.
- 3rd Infantry Brigade
- 9th Infantry
- 23rd Infantry
- 5th Machine Gun Battalion
- 4th Marine Brigade
- 5th Marines
- 6th Marines
- 6th Machine Gun Battalion
- 2nd Artillery Brigade
- 12th (light) Field Artillery
- 15th (light) Field Artillery
- 17th (heavy) Field Artillery
- 2nd Trench Mortar Battery: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
- 2nd Engineers: Roster
Documentation (with rosters):
The Regimental HQ, 2nd Engineers (1920) The official history of the Second Regiment of Engineers and Second Engineer Train, United States Army, in the world war. San Antonio: San Antonio printing co.- 4th Machine Gun Battalion
- 1st Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
3rd Division
“Rock of the Marne/Blue and White Devils”
Organized November 1917 in Camp Greene, NC. from troops of the Regular Army along with supplements from states. Earned their nickname “Rock of the Marne” after famously holding back the Germans on the Marne River on July 14, 1918, thereby protecting Paris. Their commanding officer cried, “Nous Resterons La” (We Shall Remain Here), which became their motto. General Pershing called this stand “one of the most brilliant pages in the annals of military history”.
Hemenway, Frederic Vinton (1919) History of the Third division, United States army, in the world war : for the period, December 1, 1917, to January 1, 1919. Andernach-On-The-Rhine: M. Dumont Schauberg- 5th Infantry Brigade
- 4th Infantry: Roster
- 7th Infantry
- 8th Machine Gun Battalion
- 6th Infantry Brigade
- 30th Infantry
- 38th Infantry
- 9th Machine Gun Battalion
- 7th Machine Gun Battalion
- 3rd Artillery Brigade
- 10th (light) Field Artillery
- 76th (light) Field Artillery
- 18th (heavy) Field Artillery: Roster
- 3rd Trench Mortar Battery
- 6th Engineers
- 5th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
5th Division
“Red Diamond/Red Devils”
Organized December 1917 at Camp Logan, TX. The division was scattered throughout eastern and southern United States and not united until after its arrival in France. The division insignia was chosen as a red diamond with a white “5” in the center. After arrival in France, the “5” was removed. The 5th Division is also referred to as “The Meuse Division.” The 5th Division’s capture of the riverfront and points east was called “one of the most brilliant military feats in the history of the American Army in France” by General Pershing.
The Society of the Fifth Division (1919) The official history of the Fifth division, U. S. A., during the period of its organization and of its operations in the European world war, 1917-1919. The Red diamond (Meuse) division. Washington DC: The Society of the Fifth Division.- 9th Infantry Brigade
- 60th Infantry
- 61st Infantry
- 14th Machine Gun Battalion
- 10th Infantry Brigade; First WWI Post
- 5th Artillery Brigade
- 19th (light) Field Artillery
- 20th (light) Field Artillery
- 21st (heavy) Field Artillery
- 5th Trench Mortar Battery
- 7th Engineers
- 13th Machine Gun Battalion
- 9th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
30th Division
“Old Hickory”
Organized October 1917 at Camp Sevier, SC, from National Guard troops of TN, NC, and SC. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” after Andrew Jackson because of his historic connection between the three states furnishing the majority of the personnel. Insignia consists of the “O” and “H” from the name “Old Hickory” and three XXXs, the Roman numeral for 30. Served under British Army.
- 59th Infantry Brigade
- 117th Infantry
- 118th Infantry: Roster
- 114th Machine Gun Battalion
- 60th Infantry Brigade
- 119th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
Documentation (with rosters):
Conway, Coleman Berkley (1920) History 119th Infantry, 60th Brigade, 30th Division. U. S. A. Operations in Belgium and France, 1917-1919. Wilmington, NC: Wilmington Chamber of Commerce.- 120th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
Walker, John Otey (1919) Official History of the 120th Infantry “3rd North Carolina” 30th Division, From August 5, 1917, to April 17, 1919. Canal Sector, Ypres-Lys Offensive, Somme Offensive. Lynchburg, VA: J. P. Bell company.- 115th Machine Gun Battalion: Roster and Banner
- 113th Machine Gun Battalion
- 105th Engineers: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
Documentation (with rosters):
Sullivan, Willard P (1919) History of the 105th Regiment of Engineers divisional engineers of the “Old Hickory” (30th) Division. New York, George H. Doran company.Diary of Colonel Joseph Hyde Pratt commanding 105th Engineers, A.E.F.
- 105th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
Artillery never served with the 30th Division in France, but supported various divisions.
- 55th Artillery Brigade
Documentation (with rosters):
Bacon, William James (1920) History of the Fifty-fifth Field Artillery Brigade … 1917, 1918, 1919. . Nashville : Benson Printing Co.
- 113th (light) Field Artillery: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
Documentation (with rosters):
Fletcher, Arthur Lloyd (1920) History of the 113th Field Artillery, 30th Division . Raleigh, NC: History Committee of the 113th F. A.- 114th (light) Field Artillery: Roster
- 115th (heavy) Field Artillery
- 105th Trench Mortar Battery
- 105th Ammunition Train: Roster
- 105th Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop
42nd Division
“Rainbow Division”
Formed in August 1917 with National Guard divisions stretched “over the whole country like a rainbow.” The division was created using units from 26 states and the District of Columbia. (The 117th Engineer Train was formed using the NC National Guard.) The rainbow became the insignia. Its initial design was a half arc, but later modified to a quarter arc to memorialize half of the division’s soldiers who became casualties during WWI.
Documentation (some with rosters):
Johnson, Lieut. Harold Stanley (1917) “Roster of the Rainbow Division (Forty-Second)”. New York, Eaton & Gettinger, Inc. Printers.Reilly, Henry J. (1936). Americans All, The Rainbow at War:Official History of the 42nd Rainbow Division in the World War. Columbus, OH: Heer.
Sherwood, Elmer W. (1929). Diary of a Rainbow Veteran. Terre Haute, IN: Moore-Langen.
Thompkins, Raymond S. (1919). The Story of the Rainbow Division. NY: Boni & Liveright.
World War I American Battle Monuments Commission (1944). 42d Division Summary of Operations in the World War. Washington DC: GPO.
- 83rd Infantry Brigade
- 165th Infantry
- 166th Infantry: Roster
- 150th Machine Gun Battalion
- 84th Infantry Brigade
- 149th Machine Gun Battalion
- 117th Engineers: Roster
- 117th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
- 117th Engineer Train: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
Artillery served almost continuously with the 42nd Division in France.
- 67th Artillery Brigade
- 149th (light) Field Artillery
- 151st (light) Field Artillery
- 150th (heavy) Field Artillery
- 117th Trench Mortar Battery
81st Division
Organized September 1917 at Camp Jackson, SC, from drafts of NC, SC, and FL. Nicknamed “Wildcats” in recognition of wildcats that inhabited southern states and after Wildcat Creek, which ran near Camp Jackson, S.C., where the unit was mobilized. Served under French Army. Insignia varied in color among units.
81st Division Summary of Operations in the World War, US Govt, 1944
- 161st Infantry Brigade: First WWI Veteran post
- 321st Infantry: Roster
Johnson, Clarence Walton (1919) The history of the 321st infantry, with a brief historical sketch of the 80th division, being a vivid and authentic account of the life and experiences of American soldiers in France, while they trained, worked, and fought to help win the world war. . Columbia, S.C., The R. L. Bryan co.Thomas P. Shinn’s Wartime Diary
- 322nd Infantry: Roster
- 317th Machine Gun Battalion
- 162nd Infantry Brigade
- 316th Machine Gun Battalion
- 306th Engineers
- 306th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
- 306th Ammunition Train: Roster
Artillery never served with the 81st Division in France, but supported various divisions.
- 156th Field Artillery Brigade
- 316th (light) Field Artillery
- 317th (light) Field Artillery
- 318th (heavy) Field Artillery
- 306th Trench Mortar Battery
92nd Division
“Buffalo Soldiers”
Organized October 1917 at Camps Funston, Grant, Dodge, Upton, Meade, and Dix from National Army drafts from all parts of the United States. The division was assembled at Camp Upton, NY, in June 1918. Comprised of primarily African American combat units. Nicknamed the “Buffalo Soldiers” in honor of African American troops who served in the American West after the Civil War. Remained segregated until after WWII.
- 183rd Infantry Brigade
- 365th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post
- 366th Infantry: Roster
- 350th Machine Gun Battalion
- 184th Infantry Brigade
- 367th Infantry
- 368th Infantry
- 351st Machine Gun Battalion
- 167th Field Artillery Brigade
- 349th (light) Field Artillery
- 350th (light) Field Artillery
- 351th (heave) Field Artillery
- 317th Trench Mortar Battery
- 349th Machine Gun Battalion
- 317th Engineers: Roster
- 317th Field Signal Battalion
- Trains
93rd Division
“Blue Hat”
Organized December 1917 at Camp Stuart, VA. Comprised of two entirely African American infantry brigades. Served with French Army regiments, who gave them the nickname of “Blue Hat” due to the blue French helmets they wore with their American uniforms.
- 185th Infantry Brigade
- 369th Infantry
- 370th Infantry: Roster
- 186th Infantry Brigade
- 371st Infantry
- 372nd Infantry
Source: Brief Histories of Divisions, US Army, 1917-1918
Depot Brigades
Training and receiving formations of the United States Army during World War I.
The role of depot brigades was to receive and organize recruits, provide them with uniforms, equipment and initial military training, and then move them to divisions as replacements. The depot brigades also received soldiers returning home at the end of the war and completed their out processing and discharges. Depot brigades were often organized, reorganized, and inactivated as requirements to receive and train troops rose and fell, and later ebbed and flowed during post-war demobilization.
Those soldiers drafted near the end of the war often were honorably discharged while in depot brigades. Some who died of disease were also in depot brigades at their death.
- 53 Depot Brigade: Camp Hancock, Georgia
- 156 Depot Brigade: Camp Jackson, South Carolina
- 161 Depot Brigade: Camp Grant, Illinois
Special Engineer Services
Special engineer services for the US Army encompassed many duties including water supply, electrical-mechanical, camouflage, searchlight services, bridging, map making and reproduction, sound and flash ranging, light railways, road and quarry (Division Light Railways and Roads, or D.L.R. and R.), engineer research, geologic investigations, and many more.
United States of America War Office (1919) Historical Report of the Chief Engineer: Including All Operations of the Engineer Department, American Expeditionary Forces 1917-1919. . Washington DC: Government Printing OfficeUnited States of America War Office (1919) Report of the Chief of Engineers: US Army, Part I. . Washington DC: Government Printing Office
- 545th Engineer Service Battalion: Camp A. A. Humphreys, VA
Pioneer Infantries
The first Pioneer Infantry was formed at Camp Wadsworth, SC, on January 4, 1918. Pioneers were trained and armed for construction or combat, instantly available in any emergency.
- 55th Pioneer Infantry: Camp Wadsworth, SC
Sixteen African American Pioneer Infantry Regiments (801-816) were formed as non-combatant troops working in construction.
- 810th Pioneer Infantry: Camp Greene, NC
Medical Detachments
Various duties
1st Division, All Units
Name | Unit | Comments |
Pvt Alvin Milliken | Battery B, 7th Field Artillery | |
Sfc Edward Johnson | 5th Field Artillery | Band Leader |
Pfc Leob Mintz | MG Co, 16th Infantry | |
Cpl Bryant Mintz | Co B, 1st Infantry | |
Cpl Johnie Vereen | Battery E, 6th Field Artillery; WWI Profile | |
Cpl Willie T White | Co B, 1st Supply Train; WWI Profile; WWI Snapshot |
2nd Division, 2nd Engineers
Name | Co. | ||
Pfc Walter S Brock | B | KIA | 11/10/1918 |
2nd Division, 2nd Trench Mortar Battery
Name | Btry | ||
PVT Walter C Bennett | C | ||
PVT Paul W Cable | C | ||
PVT Jimmie Griffin | B | KIA | 09/11/1918 |
PVT Charles S Haithcock | C | ||
PFC Eugene B Howard | B | ||
CPL George P McKeithan | B | ||
PVT Cecil Smith Pierce | B | DD | 03/05/1918 |
Cook Frank R Proffitt | D | ||
SGT Charles F Rich | C | ||
CPL Archie F Thompson | B | ||
PFC Daniel R Walker | C |
3rd Division, 4th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt James I Jenrette | G | Wounded | 07/26/1918 |
3rd Division, 18th Field Artillery
Name | Btry | ||
Wag John H Singleton | B |
5th Division, 6th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Cpl Charles Byron Drew | HQ | ||
Pfc Barfie Randel Long | M | Severely Wounded | 08/17/1918 |
Pfc John William Mills | M |
5th Division, 11th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Owen Ransom Mintz | C | Slightly Wounded | 10/12/1918 |
Cpl Herbert B. Ward | M | KIA | 09/12/1918 |
30th Division, 105th Ammunition Train
Name | Co. | ||
Wag Junius J Adams | B |
30th Division, 105th Engineers
Name | Co. | ||
Cpl Lawson D Ballard | A | Severely Gassed | 09/29/1918 |
Pvt Henry W Cannon | D | Honorable discharge due to dependent relatives | 03/15/1918 |
Pvt Harvey T Chadwick | D | Killed in Action | 09/29/1918 |
Pvt Samuel P Cox | A | ||
Pvt Carl J Danford | D | Died of Disease | 12/08/1917 |
Cpl George Harker Hewett | A | Severely Wounded | 09/29/1918 |
Pvt Thedford S. Lewis | D | Severely Gassed | 09/29/1918 |
Cpl Vander L. Simmons | A |
30th Division, 118th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pfc Hardy W Russ | HQ |
30th Division, 119th Infantry
30th Division, 120th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pfc Kinnie Benton | H | ||
Pvt William C Hewett | C | Died of Wounds | 10/25/1918 |
Pvt Hanson H Leonard | I | Wounded | 09/19/1918 |
Pvt Jesse J Leonard | D | Wounded | 10/09/1918 |
Pvt Claudie H McCall | Sup | Died of Disease | 04/13/1919 |
Wag George M Milliken | Sup | ||
Pvt Edward A Mills | M | Severely Wounded | 09/01/1918 |
Pfc Erastus I Nelson | C | KIA | 08/22/1918 |
Pvt Harry L Pigott | M | KIA | 09/29/1918 |
Pvt Andrew J Robbins | F | ||
Pvt Byron Stanley | I | ||
Pvt Martin R Willis | A |
30th Division, 115th Machine Gun Battalion
Name | Co. | ||
2LT Wilbur R Dosher | Resigned due to physical disability | 03/05/1918 | |
Pvt John William Lancaster | MD | WWI Profile | |
Pvt Cratie S Lewis | C | Honorable discharge due to dependent relatives | 04/01/1918 |
Mech Marion F Williams | C | ||
Sgt Worth D Williams | C | ||
Pvt James E Wilson | A |
30th Division, 113th Field Artillery
Name | Btry | ||
Pfc Ralph T Davis | B | ||
Wag James Varney Gore | Sup | ||
Pvt Henry R Hewett | E | ||
Pvt Martin N Mintz | HQ | Gassed | 10/29/1918 |
30th Division, 114th Field Artillery
Name | Btry | ||
Pvt Lingham F Bennett | A | ||
Pfc Hilburn B Evans | A |
42nd Division, 166th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt David Bertram Frink | K | WWI Profile |
42nd Division, 167th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Zade McLoud Williams | G | No NC WWI Service Record found. US Army Transport record used. |
42nd Division, 168th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Marion Brown | A | ||
Pvt John Hillery Caison | A | Wounded | 09/23/1918 |
Pvt Jesse Lee Fayette Inman | A | Wounded | 09/29/1918 |
42nd Division, 117th Engineers
Name | Co. | ||
Cpl James R Potter | A |
42nd Division, 117th Engineer Train
Name | Co. | ||
Wag Joseph L Clemmons | Transferred | 09/27/1918 | |
Wag Pearl Collum | |||
Wag John B Cox | Transferred | 05/19/1918 | |
Horseshoer James E Gilbert | |||
Wag Erie J Gore | SCD | 10/10/1917 | |
Wag David M Hilburn | |||
Pvt John H Holden | |||
Wag George Floyd Kirby | |||
Saddler Josiah C Maultsby | SCD | 01/12/1918 | |
Pfc William O McKeithan | |||
Wag Dorman L Mercer | Wounded | 07/27/1918 | |
Wag Joseph E Mintz | |||
Mess Sgt Clyde Needham | A Bugler at discharge | ||
Wag Walter D Nelson | |||
Wag Adrian Phelps | SCD | 10/10/1917 | |
Wag Jackson B Potter | WWI Profile | ||
Pfc Vance Reynolds | |||
Wag Herbert T Sellers | |||
Pvt Oscar David Sellers | SCD | 10/10/1917 | |
Wag James D Skipper | |||
Wag Wesley W Skipper |
81st Division, 321st Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pfc John W Evans | MG |
81st Division, 322nd Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Sgt Henry L Clemmons | F | WWI Profile | |
Pvt Isaac F Edge | C | SCD | 12/06/1917 |
Pvt Ransom Ennis | Sup | ||
Bglr Willie H Hewett | F | Wounded | 11/10/1918 |
Cpl Luther J Inman | F | WWI Snapshot | |
Pvt James W Leonard | K | ||
Pvt Mack Leonard | F | ||
Pvt Simon A Lewis | K | ||
Sgt David H Long | K | ||
Pfc Fred McDonald | C | ||
Pvt James Rolland Mintz | HQ | ||
Pvt Luther P Reynolds | HQ | ||
Pvt Quince A Simmons | D | SCD | 03/06/1918 |
Bglr William R Smith | MG | Wounded | 10/15/1918 |
81st Division, 323rd Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pfc Charlie Brown | G | ||
Mech John P Dosher | F | ||
Pvt James D Evans | L | ||
Cpl Grover C Gilbert | L | ||
Pfc Harvey W Gray | F | ||
Pvt Albert Hewett | F | ||
Pvt Edwin W Jarrell Jr | F | SCD | 11/22/1918 |
81st Division, 324th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Prince A Hewett | F | ||
Pvt Riley Austin Phelps | K | ||
Pvt Robert E Robbins | G | WWI Profile | |
Pvt Ernest L Robinson | I | ||
Mech Craven L Sellers | I | WWI Profile |
81st Division, 306th Ammunition Train
Name | Co. | ||
Sgt Horace C Garrason | Ord | ||
Cpl Rothschild Holden | G | ||
Pfc Matthew Owens | D | ||
Pvt George Finnis Willetts | E | WWI Profile |
92nd Division, 365th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt William F Brooks | H | Died of Disease | 06/13/1918 |
Pfc William J Gordon | H | Wounded | 11/04/1918 |
Pvt Robert B Stanley | H | Wounded; POW | 10/29/1918 |
92nd Division, 366th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Hilbert Baldwin | L | ||
Pvt Joseph R Burney | L | ||
Pvt James W Fair | L | ||
Pvt Willie Leak | M |
92nd Division, 317th Engineers
Name | Co. | ||
Col Earl I Brown |
93rd Division, 370th Infantry
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Dallas Fennel | K | ||
Pvt Primus Jones | K |
53 Depot Brigade: Camp Hancock, Georgia
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Charlie Justice | SCD | 05/27/1919 | |
Pvt William Edgar Willetts | SCD; WWI Profile | 02/20/1919 |
156 Depot Brigade: Camp Jackson, South Carolina
Name | Co. | ||
Cpl Thomas C Batson | |||
Pvt James Cline Caison | |||
Pvt Pender Carr | |||
Pvt Forney A Hickman | |||
Pvt French Hickman | |||
Pvt William E Lewis | |||
Pvt William Harrison Lewis | |||
Pvt Willie V McLamb | SCD | 12/20/1918 | |
Pvt William Roberts | SCD | 08/11/1918 | |
Pvt John Hanson Roper | |||
Mech Chesley Burgwyn Sellers | |||
Pvt Bryant Sullivan | SCD | 09/11/1918 | |
Pvt Frederick Arnold Willetts | SCD; WWI Profile | 10/29/1918 |
161 Depot Brigade: Camp Grant, Illinois
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt Manning Hall | Died of Disease | 07/11/1918 | |
Sgt John Albert McKoy | |||
Pvt Jake McMillan | |||
Pvt Willie Henry Williams |
545th Engineer Service Battalion: Camp A. A. Humphreys, VA
Name | Co. | ||
Pvt David Williams | D | Died of Disease | 03/18/1919 |
55th Pioneer Infantry: Camp Wadsworth, SC
Name | Co. | ||
PVT David D Beck | K | ||
PVT Benjamin K Caison | K | ||
PVT Julius H Clemmons | K | ||
PVT Lennox W Clemmons | K | WWI Profile | |
PVT Hiram Hewett | M | ||
PVT William A Hewett | M | ||
PVT William L Inman | K | WWI Snapshot | |
PVT Jacob M King | K | ||
PVT Elijah Milliken | C | Died of Disease | 12/11/1918 |
PVT Sandy Milliken | K | ||
PVT Kendrick W Outlaw | H | Died of Disease | 10/05/1918 |
PVT John T Watts | H |
810th Pioneer Infantry: Camp Greene, NC
Embarkation Hospital, Camp Stewart, VA
Name | |||
SGT Roy McKeithan | |||
PVT Willie Winfield Millinor | WWI Profile | ||
PVT Guy Ellis Watson | Died of Disease | 10/21/1918 |
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